Sunday, December 6, 2009

CGSE...what's that?

The Cool Global Sporting Event (CGSE) is taking place in BC between 2009 and 2011.  What is it to you?

Pop Quiz: BC is an acronym for what?

a. because
b. Boot Camp
c. Bill Cosby
d. Birth Certificate
e. British Columbia
f. Bilingual Chitosan

If you answered all of the above, you are correct.  I love beautiful BC, whatever it means to you.

CGSE, let's break it down...
C=Cool.  Not as in temperature, although it can get cold in the mountains...but like cool dude.
G=Global.  As in people from all over the world take part.  Yes, even Kazakhstan.  Maybe not Borat though.
S=Sporting.  This could include many sports.  Fly fishing, poker, pie eating contests, or none of the above.
E= Event.  need I say more?

Cool Global Sporting Event...stay tuned for more.

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